Extended Executive Meeting

Gujarat Congress has fastened the seatbelts for upcoming polls in Gujarat. An Extended Executive Meeting of Gujarat Congress was held in Ahmadabad on March 04, 2017 in the presence of AICC General Secretary Shri Gurudas Kamat, GPCC President Shri Bharatsinh Solanki, CLP leader Shri Shankersinh Vaghela, MP and AICC General Secretary Shri Madhusudan Mistry, Former GPCC President Shri Arjunbhai Modhwadia, Former GPCC President Shri Siddharthbhai Patel, Former Union Minister Dr. Tushar Chaudhari, AICC Secretary Shri Paresh Dhanani, Former MP Dr. Prabhaben Tawiyad, Former MP Shri Sagarbhai Rayka, Former MP Shri Rajubhai Parmar along with executive members, MLAs, Presidents and Vice Presidents of District Panchayats.

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