Seemingly under pressure following Opposition Congress party’s allegation against ruling party’s leaders over the multi-crore groundnut scam, the State Government finally announced setting up of an inquiry panel headed by a retired High Court judge.
The State Government appointed retire Justice HK Rathod as the head of the panel. Post announcement the State Government claimed the with the commision in place, the truth would comeout very soon. Already 30 people have been arrested in this multicrore scam.
The panel or commission would probe into repeated incidences of fire in godowns in Saurashtra region where large quantity of groundnut sacks were kept. As per the State Government claim, the sacks of groundnut that gutted in multiple fire incidences, the value wouldn’t be more than Rs 50 crore. However, the oppostion Congress party claimed that the fire in godowns were not co-incidences but it was well planned scam in tune of Rs 4,000 crore. On the other hand ruling BJP said that not only local leaders of BJP but leaders of Congress party too involved in the irregularities in procurement of groundnut from farmers.
The announcedment of the judicial panel came almost a week after Vaghji Boda chairman of the National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation (NAFED) resigned from the Congress party citing the reason that using the opposition party he shouldn’t have blamed on ruling BJP being a head of an institution like NAFED.
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