PRICE RISE – Modi broke his promise: Cong

Gujarat Congress plans tol launch a weeklong protest against the BJP government in the state and the Centre the unbridled rise in prices of food, petrol and diesel, medicines, and cost of education.

Gujarat Congress president Bharatsinnh Solanki, said that during 2014 Lok Sabha elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had sought votes on the promise of bringing prices down in just 100 days.

“Now it’s more than 2 years since the NDA government came to power at the Centre but the prices of food items have gone is 420%, 100% more than it was compared to what is was during the UPA government,“ Solanki said. “Grains, vegetables, fruits, medicines, petrol, diesel, education and all things which affect the poor and middle class have become costly. The Modi government has increased excise duty on petrofuels by 84%.The Gujarat government charges the highest VAT in the country which, in turn, fu els prices,“ the Gujarat Cong ress president said.

Shankarsinh Vaghela, Leader of Opposition(LOP) in the state assembly said that,“if the state and central government wishes it can take mea sures to control prices by various legal and economic measure. To give voice to people and pressurizes the BJP to take strong ac tion we have planned to organized state-wi de protest on various issues from food, edu cation, petrol-diesel prices.”
